How to Use Blockposters – Tech Tip Tuesday

Sometimes you want to put something up on your wall but a simple A3 poster just won’t do it. You need something large. Maybe something HUGE. Something students can’t ignore.

That’s what is for.

Blockposters turns any image you upload into a multi-page PDF that you can then print out and stick on your wall.

Here’s my loyal hound Dexter, printed out on 25 sheets of A4 paper.


Apart from making posters, I’m also imagining an amazing activity where students each receive a piece of paper and put the whole thing together like a jigsaw puzzle. I haven’t done this yet in my class, but hit me in the comments if you’ve got a cool idea on how to implement that one!

Video Tutorial

As usual, here’s a short, 3 minute video to get you going from start to finish with blockposters.

I love comments, maybe you should make one below. What would you put on a HUGE poster in your classroom or how else could you use Blockposters?




  1. Historical maps, concept maps, word wall (vocabulary) classroom inspirational quote, meme, group photo…fantastic resource!

  2. You could use this for a leadership task looking at communication. Students have to describe what is on piece with you it showing any one else and see if they and assemble the puzzle correctly. Similar to the zoom book. Great resource thanks!!!

  3. I used blockposters for an activity (within a guided inquiry about air travel) looking at the differences between robotic and human customer service. I gave each student in the class a piece of the poster then left them to work out what the picture was about. Once it was completed I provided them with feedback about the robot (called Spencer, who works in Amsterdam) and then asked students to complete a pro/pro thinking routine identifying the positive features of each type of service. The students were very engaged – it was really interesting listening to the conversations as the students organised each other and worked out what the picture was all about.
    A couple of other teachers used blockposters for an activity about animal and human connections, with similar positive responses.

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